Samlink validates users’ XML for faultless banking solutions
Ensuring error-free data communication with corporates is a core requirement for the provision of high quality banking services. Finnish IT service provider Samlink improved its business by integrating the XMLdation Service into the customer service workflow – saving their own time, but also that of banks and corporates.
Samlink is a system supplier for the financial sector, among others providing payment and e-invoicing services for several banks in Finland. The company has been a satisfied XMLdation customer for many years, using the XMLdation Validator for SEPA payments, international payments and e-invoices. As corporates and software companies work on XML implementations, Samlink provides support with testing transaction messages.
“When receiving XML messages for revision,” Product Specialist Kati Silander remembers the time before using the web-based cloud service, ”we had to see them through manually to validate structure and content.” Today, the customer service team feeds received files into the Validator and uses the report and recommendations to give feedback and communicate necessary changes to the users.
“Our users really appreciate the fast and detailed feedback we are able to provide”
Using the XMLdation Service has accelerated the collaboration with integrators: “Our users really appreciate the fast and detailed feedback we are able to provide,” she knows to tell, “and the service has significantly reduced routine support tasks for us.” Yet most importantly, the fast and automated testing is reflected in the high quality Samlink can deliver to its bank customers – by virtue of thorough validation, most if not all issues are caught early on in the process. This way the XMLdation Service not only simplifies the IT provider’s operations, but its corporate partners receive valuable support for their implementation and the banks working with Samlink can rely on well-tested deliverables.
Tailored workshops at the beginning of the cooperation with XMLdation and as new requirements emerge have proven an efficient base for tailoring the system. Samlink’s product specialist praises the smooth collaboration while recalling that, overall, issues have generally been minor: “The support is always very responsive and additional features – like the validation of bigger batches of messages – are quickly provided.”
Asked for future needs, Silander explains: “every so often we get asked to provide test files for local testing by our customers”. The new myXML service, able to create large sets of sample messages based on ISO20022 business rules at the press of a button, has potential for Samlink: “This would allow us to further increase efficiency in the XML testing workflow.”
About Samlink
Samlink is a supplier of solutions and services for challenging information systems and a professional in financial administration. The company allows customers to change their business. As a partner of pioneers, it makes co-operation reliable, straightforward and easy for them. It provides solutions that improve productivity and the customer experience in the energy business, modern electronic services for any line of business and multi-channel, efficient IT services for the financial sector.
Samlink employs more than 500 professionals in various fields in, for example, the planning of online services, the mainframe environment, various project management and product development positions and financial administration. The company has offices in Espoo, Jyväskylä, Kauhajoki, Iisalmi and Lappeenranta. It invests in competence and its development. It works in line with its values with a positive touch, steering development and acting as a partner for their customers.
About XMLdation
XMLdation is a world leader in financial messaging. Our solutions are designed for banks and clearers.
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