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Nacha Afinis leverages XMLdation for its API standardization effort in the United States

“Better Sandboxes - Better API programme” -- XMLdation proudly supports Nacha's Afinis Interoperability Standards and its ISO 20022-based API standardization with our sandbox solution. 

Nacha Afinis has partnered with XMLdation to support its API standardization effort in the United States.

Check out the Afinis APIs and test with the API sandbox at https://www.afinis.org/apis.

Afinis is a membership-based organization that focuses on the rapid delivery of APIs and other financial services standards across the U.S. and globally. Afinis encourages adoption of its API standards by making the standards readable and actionable, providing a Developer Portal with documentation and tools to enable Developers to easily learn how the APIs should behave in real life. Afinis has partnered with XMLdation to provide sandbox capabilities for its catalog of APIs.

Read the press release from Afinis here.

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