Many payments systems around the world are being improved or rebuilt to serve the needs of a...
XMLdation has developed this infographic, “Client Onboarding: IT shouldn’t break the bank”. We show...
Swift MT
The Board of Directors of XMLdation Oy has appointed Tricia Balfe as CEO, effective November 16th...
“Better Sandboxes - Better API programme” -- XMLdation proudly supports Nacha's Afinis...
This webinar, brought to you by XMLdation, BMO and Payments Canada, provided an overview of the...
XMLdation enables Samlink to create a developer portal that connects developers to Oma Savings...
XMLdation has expanded its offering to deliver payments testing solutions for instant payments that...
Instant Payments are a worldwide phenomenon that is dramatically changing the way money moves,...
In this short webinar, we explain briefly what ISO 20022 is, and why banks think about it.
Banks continue to work extensively with MT files, in international payments and in other areas like...
Nordea and XMLdation organized an Open Banking Breakfast Seminar on June 20th 2017 in Dublin,...
From within the Euro zone, it is easily overseen that the applicability of ISO20022 extends far...
While financial institutions have to keep sensitive data on site, software-as-a-service (SaaS) is...
When systems have to be tested, banks and other providers of message-based transactions face the...
One of the core tasks in managing message formats (e.g. XML, JSON) is to store detailed...
The wind of change is blowing strong in Lithuania’s financial sector. Less than a year after...
Under the Professional Service label, XMLdation provides its expertise to customers looking for...
Strengthening support for corporate customers has repeatedly proven to be one of the most effective...
Just like the processes they enable, XML schemas used for transaction messages are complex...
ISO 20022 XML is a standardized format, yet due to dialects and variations in message content its...
Ensuring error-free data communication with corporates is a core requirement for the provision of...
As ISO 20022 XML is replacing the plethora of older message formats, it is easily overseen that,...
Over 400 participants tuned in to the gtnews webinar “Future of XML Payment Management: Challenges,...